Saturday, December 21, 2024
Market Research
Utilizing FCStone staff’s market expertise, FCStone offers extensive fundamental and technical analysis through its daily, weekly, and monthly energy reports. Fundamental factors that can greatly impact energy markets include supply, storage, weather and demand projections. Periodically, FCStone will also issue special reports suggesting potential strategies given extraordinary market conditions or energy perspective analysis on noteworthy news issues (e.g., economic downturn, seasonal price rallies, etc.) Example reports can be found by clicking here.
Energy Workshops & Commission Testimony
It is extremely important to familiarize commissions, boards and all levels of management with the parameters of the risk management program. FCStone can present the refined risk management program as needed and can provide educational workshops detailing newly defined policies and procedures and other energy risk management topics customized to fit the needs of your organization.
Additionally, it has been the experience of FCStone that utilities need to eloquently present their newly created or revised risk management programs to regulatory bodies for approval or review. FCStone has presented programs on behalf of investor-owned utility clients to commissions in 12 states, and on behalf of municipal utility clients, FCStone has presented to city officials representing public utilities located in 7 states.
FCStone is frequently asked to be a guest speaker on behalf of energy associations. Over the past 10 years, FCStone Principals have presented over 100 risk management educational workshops. FCStone is also a recurring speaker for many energy organizations including the Association of Energy Engineers and Southern Gas Association.
WebTools™ Fundamental Market Data Analysis Tool
FCStone WebTools™ is a clearing house for fundamental market data and analysis related to the energy markets. It provides FCStone clients a centralized web-based application to retrieve and customize queries on market information such as historical EIA natural gas storage data, fuel stocks, consumption numbers, price matrix values, commodity budgets, and weather. More information on WebTools™ can be found by clicking here.
- Risk Assessment
- Policy/Procedure Development
- Credit Risk Management
- Budget Development
- Hedge Strategy Design
- Price Modeling
- Market Research
- Energy Workshops
- WebTools™ Data Analysis Tool
Portfolio Management
- Mark-It View™ Historical Forward Price Curves
- Know-Risk™ Position Tracking & V-to-B Reporting
- Know-Risk Energy™ Contract/Supplier Tracker by Facility/Location
Contract Execution