KnowRisk will be down for server maintenance on Saturday, January 25th from 8am to 11am CST

Wednesday, January 22, 2025

FCStone Products/Services – KnowRiskExchange™

If deemed an appropriate approach for the client, the KnowRiskExchange™ provides a real-time electronic bid/offer platform for “one-off" transactions that traditionally have been executed through a more cumbersome RFP process.

MISSION STATEMENT: To provide clients with a marketplace for flexible and real-time execution.

  • Flexibility: The KnowRiskExchange™ platform allows energy purchasers to have working orders in the physical marketplace, rather than waiting for the market to fall before the procurement process is initiated. Purchasers are also free to purchase at the lowest available offer in the event pricing decisions are altered.
  • Savings: Real time pricing and competitive supplier bidding ensure that purchasers receive some of the lowest prices available in the market.
  • Ease: FCStone is available to help purchasers through every step to make certain transactions are handled with the utmost care and satisfaction.
  • Control: Purchasers have the ability to select a variety of suppliers and/or products.